Studio Production Management and Black Swans

Author and former Wall Street trader Nassim Nicholas Taleb coined the term “black swan event” in his 2001 book Fooled by Randomness. Black swans are major disruptive events that seem impossible, but are merely improbable. Taleb expanded on his theory in the 2007 book The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, warning that humans adapt our systems and framings to ignore these variables, creating a blindness to their potential.

Organizations in every industry are currently grappling with the implications of this black swan, including Studio Production Management (what is it?). If brands and studios are to survive, they must adapt to this unprecedented challenge, and emerge with lessons learned for the future.

Just Get Started Podcast with Brian Ondrako, Episode 73: Eric Fulmer

Episode 73 features Eric Fulmer, VP of Operations & Strategic Growth at Capture Integration. We talk a lot about visual content, digital photography, and digital asset workflow especially around the large brands in the world and how they manage the large lift that is managing all of that content. Eric has a really cool story … Read more